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Elevator Action

I’d like to rant a bit about elevators.

I know nothing I’m about to say is unique to my personal experiences. I also know I’m not the first person to bitch about this shit. But I think it’s time I added my voice to the great cacophony calling for some common fucking sense application of proper elevator etiquette.

The other day I went to play poker at a local casino. Said casino has a ten story parking garage attached to their property, so every time I go I get a crash course in how fucking stupid people are about elevators. Here’s the main thing I want to say, and I would hope everybody in the world would understand–even though it is clear that not everybody does understand this. It shouldn’t have to be said, but the fact is the people already on the elevator have the right-of-way.

What this means is, do not stand right in front of the goddamn door and act surprised when seven people are staring you in the face when the elevator opens. And if you must stand right in front of the door–because you’re a complete idiot, say–at least have the courtesy to realize your error when the door opens and get the hell out of the way so the people on the elevator can get off. Do not, I repeat, do not compound your error by refusing to move, or even worse, pushing your way past all these people so you can get your stupid ass on the elevator faster.

I saw a woman do this last weekend. She stood directly in front of the door, then when the door opened and I tried to step off the elevator, she gave me a dirty look and pushed past me (and the woman behind me) and muscled her way onto the damn elevator. I was stunned–not just from the crassness and self-centered nature of the whole thing, but mainly from the fact that she gave me the stink eye as she shoved past, as if I were the asshole here.

Listen folks. You can’t go anywhere until everybody currently on the elevator gets off anyway. Getting on the elevator faster doesn’t earn you a fucking ribbon for awesomeness or anything. The people on the elevator have the right-of-way because it doesn’t make any sense to do it any other way. Do you really think the best way to handle this is for the seven people on the elevator to wait while you and your buddies shove your way on, then have to shove past you to get out? Is that really the optimal way to do things, you think? Because the rest of us who aren’t goddamn idiots don’t agree.

And once you do manage to get on the elevator, there’s a few common sense rules to follow here.  First, move to the back. Seriously. Just do it. This isn’t a single player game here, other people are going to be joining at every floor. And yes, it’s a big crowded casino, don’t get all fucking boo-hooey when the elevator stops at every floor on the way down. Because it will and you acting all put out isn’t going to change that. So move to the back and let them on! Again, it just makes sense for the first people on to move to the back so future people can step in and not have to push past anybody.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, face the front. There’s always one jackhole on every crowded elevator who doesn’t get this. Don’t be that creepy asshole standing in the middle of the elevator facing the wrong way. It’s bad enough we all have to stand together in this six-by-six room for upwards of three entire minutes. Don’t make it weirder by standing there staring at everybody.  It’s just barely acceptable if you’re riding with a friend to face your friend–but if you do, keep your eyes on your friend, or turn the hell around. Seriously. Please.

Rant over.

Posted in Miscellaneous.

My criminal past

I’m generally a very private individual. There are many things about myself that I don’t share with others, even close friends. There are people I have known for years who don’t know I write this blog. Many people don’t know about my other writings either, or that I write at all. For some reason I tend to keep various parts of my life compartmentalized away from the other parts. I don’t know why, it’s just how I roll.

There is one part of my past that I tend to keep secret from everybody, though. It’s a shameful period best left alone, a period in which I had an addiction, and like many addicts, I turned to crime to help feed my addiction. I’m not proud of it, but it happened, and now I think it’s time to come clean. You know. For the lulz.

My addiction was Sky Shark. A somewhat popular vertical scrolling shooter from the late 80’s, a quarter-sucking arcade cabinet that I couldn’t stop playing. It was located, along with two or three other machines I never gave a second glance, in the main lodge at Wildcat Mountain, the ski area that was literally just down the street from where I grew up. I skied there every weekend during the winter, and so was often exposed to the object of my obsession.

My friends and I played the shit out of that game. Sometimes I think we did more game playing that skiing on a typical Saturday during the winter. We’d go through every quarter we had, then we’d go in search of more. We often found them on the floor, particularly near the coin-op lockers. Eventually one of us figured out that sometimes quarters would get stuck in the mechanism inside these lockers, and so we often went around shaking the door of every locker to see if money would fall out. We could sometimes get a buck or two each day this way. A buck was four games of Sky Shark, so this only served to fuel my obsession.

One fateful day, one of us noticed that all the lockers in a vertical column fed into one coin hopper at the bottom of the stack. And we discovered one hopper in particular had a door that was nearly falling off. I can’t remember how exactly we did it, but we managed to get the door open without much trouble at all. JACKPOT! There had to have been four or five dollars in quarters inside. We quickly scraped them out, divided them up, and spent several hours playing video games.

The next weekend, of course, the door had been repaired, and we were back to scraping together a few quarters at a time from wherever we could find them once the money we brought ran out. But hitting the mother load had changed me. I was no longer satisfied with the few quarters we were able to pick up here and there in our scrounging. I kept thinking of that entire sealed box full of quarters, and becoming more and more convinced of what I had to do.

This was the turning point. What we had been doing before was technically stealing, but we never thought of it that way. We were just “finding” the quarters. Shake a locker door, and a quarter falls out, and it’s yours, right? Well, technically no, but you’d be hard pressed to find someone (except possibly the locker owner) who would think you should be severely punished for something like this. Even getting the first hopper open hadn’t really felt like theft–it was way too easy, it practically fell open on its own.

The next weekend, though, I brought a big flat head screwdriver with me to the mountain. This definitely crossed a line from mischief to flat out vandalism and theft when I used it to pry open another one of the coin boxes on the lockers. I couldn’t get the door off, but I managed to pry open a hole between the door and the side of the locker big enough to stick a ticket wicket in and scrape out the quarters.

In this way we managed to “liberate” a few dollars worth of quarters and spent some time playing Sky Shark. When the money ran out I’d go back to the locker and fish around with the wire wicket until I had another handful of quarters, and then we’d go back to playing. On my last trip, I decided I needed to make the hole bigger because it was getting too hard to fish the remaining quarters out of the lock box. I had just shoved the screwdriver into the hole and was working it back and forth when someone slid into the seat next to me and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

He was a mountain employee, and he called over his walkie-talkie for… something. I don’t think I heard what he said, because I was too busy being frightened off my ass. I could see my friends over by the Sky Shark machine, apparently oblivious to the fact that I’d just got pinched. They had a small mountain of quarters piled up on the face of the machine, and I remember thinking “That’s not too obvious, guys.”

I sat there, about ready to die, wondering what was going to happen. I figured I was going to get kicked off the mountain, for starters. Get my season pass revoked. That would totally suck. In between marathon sessions of Sky Shark, I did actually like to go skiing. Also, for sure my parents were going to get involved, and that scared me more than anything–facing my mom and dad with my new criminal record wasn’t going to be fun at all.

“So, who are you working with?”

Working with? What was this, friggin Ocean’s Eleven? This wasn’t some complicated heist here, I had a screwdriver and I was prying open the fucking coin lockers! I kept my mouth shut. I wasn’t going to stooge on my buddies.

“Ok, was it that kid there?” He pointed to another friend of mine, one who had nothing to do with the quarter stealing at all.  “No.” I said. He scanned the room, saw the two kids with the huge pile of quarters playing Sky Shark, and asked “Was it those two kids there?”

I didn’t say a word. He looked at me funny, then got up and went over to collar my two friends and haul them back to the table. To my credit, I did not, in fact, squeal on my friends. However, I will be the first to admit that I sort of fucked up that whole interrogation thing. Hey, come on, it was my first time getting pinched, cut me some slack!

I don’t recall exactly what happened next. I recall a lot of pleading and a lot of justifying and a lot of twisted logic. Come on man, it’s not really stealing! We only used the coins to play Sky Shark, you get the money right back! (You know, never mind the damage I did to this locker…) In the end… somehow we got off. We kept our freedom, our passes, our high scores on Sky Shark, and I even got my screwdriver back. All we lost were the remaining quarters we’d taken from the locker. I’d like to say this was due to my hardcore negotiating skills, or that I Jedi mind tricked the dude, but the truth is, I think he was just baffled by how fucking stupid and blatant our scheme was. I mean, I barely even made any attempt to hide what I was doing as I sat there, in plain view of the entire lodge full of people, prying open a coin-op locker. We made several trips  back and forth to get more quarters, getting more brazen about the whole thing every time. It was the worst criminal plan of all time.

I’d like to say that was the end of my criminal career, or at least that I learned an important lesson that day. But it wasn’t, and I didn’t. We pulled the same scam again about a year later. At least that time, I was smart enough to be a lookout (and we were smart enough to actually have lookouts) instead of screwdriver man. And we didn’t get caught.

But the main lesson I learned was this: Crime doesn’t pay, but it sure can get you high score on Sky Shark.

Posted in Miscellaneous.

The potato chip bandit

Thieves are never the smartest people around (if they were, they likely wouldn’t be thieves.) But some thieves defy all logic. Take this asshole as an example. Mr. Benjamin Sickles broke into a local Subway restaurant and stole nine bags of chips. And he dropped so many getting away, the police were able to track him by following the chip trail!

Really dude? Nine bags of chips? That’s the best you could do? The article says he failed to get into the cash register (which, BTW, never has any cash in it when nobody is in the store anyway, dumbass!) But even so, couldn’t he have stolen something more valuable than nine bags of chips? Maybe grab one of those tubs of mayonnaise or a vat of ranch dressing or something. That can’t be any harder to fence than bags of chips! Don’t the chips come in boxes? Wouldn’t it have made more sense to go out back and grab an entire case of chips rather than grabbing individual bags??

I know, I’m applying logic to a situation in which clearly logic was not part of the decision making process at any point. Shame on me.

Posted in In The News.

I can tell from the pixels

Giant shitbag Jenny McCarthy recently decided to take some time off from her busy schedule of spreading misinformation about vaccines and autism in order to pose nude for Playboy again.

Apparently, this caused some kind of minor brouhaha in some circles. Likely, those circles were only to be found in the entertainment divisions of several 24 hour newsrooms, because nothing delights them more than ginning up some “controversy” nobody is actually concerned about in order to fill some air time talking about it. This resulted in this video being posted to a few days ago.

As you can see, apparently people are worried that she’s “too old” to pose nude, or don’t think it’s right for her to pose nude because she’s a mom. This is all bullshit. I think Jenny McCarthy is a giant shitbag because of her continued activism against vaccines, based on the demonstrably false idea that vaccines cause autism. Anything else she may be (a 39 year old woman, a mom, an actress, a nude model) is entirely irrelevant and entirely her business. If Playboy thinks they can sell more issues if they put her on the cover and she shows her boobies inside, and she is cool with that, that’s between her and Playboy, and nobody else, and it’s stupid that I even have to waste time saying this.

But I didn’t really come here to talk about the rights and wrongs of booby-showing older moms. What I really wanted to rant about was the argument male talking head makes around the 40 second mark of the video. They put up a picture of the cover of Playboy, and he says something like “she looks great!” and “if you’ve got it, flaunt it!” They then put up a side-by-side comparison of her first Playboy cover alongside her most recent one, and Mr. talking head says something like “She still looks great!”

Taken at face value, there’s nothing really wrong with these statements. The problem, as I see it, is that she doesn’t really look like that. Those pictures, both of them, were photoshopped to hell. Don’t believe me? Here’s how I know:

  1. She has no pores, in either picture. There isn’t a human being alive who doesn’t have pores.
  2. She has no blemishes. No wrinkles, no spots, no lines, no skin folds, nothing. Again, there isn’t a human being alive who looks like that.
  3. I can tell by the pixels, and having seen a few shops in my day.
  4. It’s the cover photo of a fucking magazine.

In all honestly, the only evidence you really need is point number 4. All the others are supporting evidence, but point 4 is really the key. Take a look at any magazine rack, and you’ll see nothing but smiling, photoshopped faces staring back at you. Not just faces, but whole bodies as well. What you see on the cover of a magazine (any magazine, not just men’s magazines like Playboy) bears about as much resemblance to reality as a good pencil sketch does. So Mr. talking head using the argument “she looks great!” to defend anything is sort of like saying “This sphere is round!”  Well, fucking duh.

Even nearly “perfect” people get touched up. Check this out:







I mean, holy shit, right? Do you even see what they did? I mean, apart from de-poreing her skin? They removed two tiny shadows. Shadows that might have hinted at the fact that the woman has skin, and when she stands with her hips unnaturally cocked like that, her skin bunches up a bit around her hips.

Seriously. All you people out there lucky/hard working enough to have flat stomachs, go ahead and stand in front of a mirror, hike up your shirt a bit, and cock your hips like this lady is doing. Now fucking tell me you don’t see the same skin bunching going on. Unless you’re actually anorexic (in which case, eat a sammich please, and also seek help) I’m going to bet you fucking see them. You know why? Because you’re a fucking human and you have skin, and when you stand like that, it’s just about fucking impossible for it not to bunch just a bit in places.

Now check this out:







Without doing any research (and hey, I’m a blogger, not some kind of fucking scientist) I’m going to guess Madonna is at least ten years older than Jenny McCarthy. So think about this. In ten years or so, if Jenny McCarthy decides to pose for Playboy again, what do you think she’s going to look like? My guess is, she’s really going to look like that picture on the left, but when you open the magazine, what you’ll see will be more like the picture on the right. And some asshat talking head is going to crow about how great she looks, and how “gracefully” she’s aged.

It’s not just the skinny people they do this to. They even ‘shop the plus size models. WTF you say? Isn’t the point of “plus size” models to show, well, bigger women? Women who don’t look “perfect”, have bellies, cellulite, and require more than a postage stamp to cover themselves up?

Well, no, apparently.








Shit, does she even count as a “plus size model” any more?

So can we all fucking stop crowing about how great people look in heavily photoshopped pictures? Jesus jumped-up Christ on a pogo stick, you might as well claim George Washington was a sexy beast based on that one painting of him we’ve all seen. Or that Susan B. Anthony was a fox based on that dollar coin you got from the Post Office. They are about as close to reality as any picture in any magazine is. Jenny McCarthy may in fact be a hot older lady. But I damn sure can’t form an accurate opinion of that based on any of the photos of her I’ve ever seen, because every single one of them has been heavily edited.

Posted in In The News.

Time to buy something awesome

I have officially discovered the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Here you go. People who tweet pictures of their debit/credit cards on Twitter. After three years of doing this blog, not much shocks me any more. But this? This actually shocked me. I can’t believe there are actually people on this planet dumb enough to do this. Do they seriously not understand what a terribly bad idea this is?

So, what are you going to buy? I think I’ll start with a new guitar. Lord knows I need more of those.

Posted in Miscellaneous.