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Feeling lucky, punk?

I love this guy.  I mean, yeah, he’s dumb as a box of rocks, but you can’t help but admire the chutzpah it takes to stop in the middle of your shoplifting binge to fill out a raffle ticket.  Dude needed him some whisky, but apparently dude needed him that kayak or whatever the fuck they were raffling off more.

The best part is where it says he grabbed two MORE bottles of whisky before fleeing.  So apparently he had a big bottle of Jack stuffed down his pants, went and filled out a raffle ticket, then grabbed a couple more bottles and ran out.  That’s about as awesome as stupidity gets.

Posted in In The News.

Oh yeah, I can totally get that data back for you!

So here’s the scenario:

Say you’re a computer repair guy.  The economy is in rough shape, business is down, you need some work.  What’s the best way to drum up some business? 

The solution this guy came up with probably wasn’t high on your list of possible solutions, was it? 

Allegedly, Mr Kevin Andrew Lutes, computer repairman extrodinaire, thought his best bet was to break into the office of a realtor he had done work for in the past, steal the hard drive out of one of their computers, then wait for them to phone up! 

The best part:  He apparently told them “Oh yeah, I can totally get that data back for you, don’t worry!”  Then he put the disk back in the computer, charged them something like $2000, and tried to laugh all the way to the bank.

Unfortunately for him (but fortunately for non-dumbasses everywhere who hate to see people like this win) the people at the realty office called up Dell, who told them they were pretty sure there was no way someone could magically recreate the data from a PHYSICALLY MISSING hard drive.  The cops were called, and Mr Lutes was busted.

I gotta say, that at least took some balls to try.  Stupid as hell, but ballsy.

Posted in In The News.

Just stay on the tractor, will you?

Anybody else totally tired of Brett Favre?  Yeah, me too.  The guy needs to either stay retired or stay not retired.  Pick one, man.

So of course, in case you hadn’t heard, Brett Favre is in talks to return to football with, of all teams, the Minnesota Vikings.

Now, I know not everybody follows football, despite the fact that it has basically replaced baseball as our national pastime.  So for those of you who don’t know how awful this is, let me put it in terms any American should be able to understand.

Remember when Benedict Arnold switched sides in the middle of the Revolutionary War and went to fight for the British?  Obviously you do not actually remember this, unless you are Methuselah, in which case you still wouldn’t remember, since that dude died thousands of years ago.  But anyway, remember learning that shit in history class?  Remember how pissed off all the Americans were when he did that?

That’s about on the level of how Packers fans will feel if Brett goes and plays for the Vikings.  It’s not quite the level of hatred Red Sox fans have for douchebags who sell out and sign with the Yankees, but it’s close.

So what, you ask?  The guy still wants to play.  The Packers didn’t want him back last year and presumably still don’t want him back, and the Jets don’t want him back either.  Why shouldn’t he go play for the Vikings if they want him?

Here’s why:  Because he needs to just retire already.  This is what, the fifth year in a row he’s either retired or “seriously contemplated” retiring and then decided to come back?  Three of those years he basically held the Packers hostage while they waited for him to make up his friggin mind.  Last year he tried to pull a power play to get back on the team after FINALLY retiring only to very quickly un-retire, and the Packers finally just said “Dude, get out of here, you’re not welcome here anymore” and traded his ass to the Jets.  Then he retired after completely screwing the Jets’ chances to make the playoffs down the stretch (in fairness:  he’s also a big part of the reason they were in a position to make a run at the playoffs in the first place), and now he’s going to un-retire AGAIN?  Here’s the real kicker–that bicep injury he suffered near the end of last year, the one that basically caused him to play like complete ass and totally boned the Jets?  Yeah, he didn’t get that fixed.  I guess that shit will just heal on its own.  Magically.  In just a few months!

I’m tired of this.  GO AWAY BRETT FAVRE!

Posted in Celebrities.

A-Rod: Possible shitbag

Seriously, roids aren’t that big a deal.  There I said it.  Yeah, they make you big, they help you heal faster, and they probably help you hit a baseball farther.  But you know what?  Home runs are cool.  I like to watch big sluggers.  Big Mac was entertaining.  Barry Bonds, when not being a horse’s ass, was fun to watch.  Sammy Sosa probably took roids, definitely corked his bat, and yet I’d rather watch him hit, than, say, Edgar Renteria.

In the end, roids aren’t a huge concern to me.  Yes, it’s cheating, but so is stealing signs, so is intentionally taking out an infielder with your slide, and so is scuffing a baseball–and those are all “accepted” (to varying degrees) parts of baseball.

But you cross the line from cheating into complete asshattery when you do what A-Rod has recently been accused of:  Tipping pitches to opposing players.  All those other things I mentioned?  They’re all to help you and your team do better and win games.  Which, at the end of the day, is what the game is all about.  But tipping off opposing players?  That’s just wrong, man.  Yeah, so A-Rod supposedly did it only in blowouts when the game was “already over”.  Nevermind that we’ve all seen ridiculous comebacks in baseball, so it’s hard to say when the game is “over”.  But let’s just assume that’s totally true:  Nothing A-Rod did affected the outcome of the game either way.

Even so, in your quest to pad your own stats (it is claimed this was done as a quid-pro-quo type thing with opposing middle infielders), you’re fucking with your own pitcher’s stats, man.  At the tail end of a blowout, you probably have some young kid out there trying to show what he’s got to the manager, trying to put some numbers up to get his career going, and you’re being a shitcock by tipping off the batter and telling him what’s coming?    Or maybe some old veteran at the tail end of his career is out there, looking for one last contract before he hits the showers for good, and you’re going to ram it up his ass by telling the batter to look for the backdoor slider?

So I say A-Rod, if this is true, you’re even more of a douche than I thought.

Posted in Alex Rodriguez.

The Ultimate Lunatic

Professional wrestler The Ultimate Warrior gave what were probably the most intense interviews of all time.  Perhaps not coincidentally, he also gave the most rambling and incoherent interviews of all time.

I will give five internet dollars to anybody who can tell me what in the hell he’s talking about here.  This interview was part of the final push for one of the biggest matches of all time, Hulk Hogan vs The Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania VI.  Clearly there’s something in here about how this conflict was inevitable–he starts the rant saying as much, I think.  Then there’s something about Hulk Hogan being full of walls filled with thick fear.  Then a little bit later, there’s something about his fans attaching themselves to the outside of the building and… seeping through?  Wow.  That’s some deep shit.  I’m not sure what to make of it.  The best part is how he keeps referring to Hulk Hogan as “HO KOGAN”.

Also, check out Mean Gene at the 1:20 mark or so.  As soon as the Warrior starts ranting about the walls, Gene tugs at his collar and makes a face–at first I interpreted it as Gene hamming it up, acting like he was hot under the collar because the Warrior was scaring him or whatever.  But I’m thinking that’s probably not it at all–it’s more likely he’s signalling to someone off camera that this interview is rapidly going south and someone needs to cut it off very soon!  Of course, nobody does, because who is going to step in and tell this roid freak to start over?  Instead he goes on for another minute or more.  It’s completely awful, and yet… also complete awesome.

Posted in Celebrities.