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The dreaded “Internet Ellipsis”

If you’ve ever been on the internet (and you have–trust me on this, I feel pretty secure in this assumption) you’ve seen it.  I call it the Internet Ellipsis.  I’m sure… you know… what…. I’m talking……. about…………..

First, let me say I’m no grammar or spelling Nazi.  Shit, I make some of the most creative typos the world has ever seen, I constantly screw up “there,” “their,” and “they’re” even though I damn well know the difference (also “too,” “to,” and “two,”  “your” and “you’re,” and “its” and “it’s.”)  I’m the worst speller in the history of creation and I don’t know a dangling participle from a hypothetical subjunctive (or even what either of those two things are).  But I goddamn well know how to use an ellipsis.  More importantly, I know how not to use it.

First, some quick-and-dirty educational content.  The ellipsis is a mark of punctuation.  It looks like this:  “…”  It’s three dots, or periods.  The real sticklers say you should put a space between each one, like this:  “. . .”.  Either way, it’s THREE dots.  That’s the first lesson.  THREE.  Remember that for later.

There are two main uses for the ellipsis.  The first and most common in academic circles is to indicate omission in a quote.  Say, for instance, I have a quote that goes something like this:

“I have never used steroids. Period.  I do not know how to say it any more clearly than that.”  — Rafael Palmeiro

Now say I want to use that quote in an article, but, hey, it’s a bit long.  Well, that’s where the magic of the ellipsis comes in!  We can take out words freely, as long as we put the magic ellipsis in their place to indicate what we’ve done.  Like so:

“I have … used steroids.  Period.  I do not know how to say it any more clearly than that.”  — Rafael Palmeiro

See how much cleaner that is?  We shortened it up, made it a bit more punchy–all through the magic of the ellipsis!

The second usage is a bit more ill defined and vague, but basically it boils down to this.  You can use an ellipsis to indicate when the speaker in a section of dialogue has trailed off rather than stopping in the normal fashion, or to indicate a pause in the dialogue that can’t otherwise be represented by another punctuation mark such as the comma.

This is the one that gets internet assholes in trouble.  Here’s a good example of this usage of the ellipsis:

Jim got tired of knocking, and just let himself in through the unlocked front door.  “Hey man, what’s going on, are you here or what?  I thought…” Jim stopped,  perplexed.  His buddy Jack was home after all, but he wasn’t alone.  “What’s with the orangutan, dude?”

As we can see, our hero Jim has entered his buddy Jack’s house, and found him, perplexingly, with an unknown orangutan.  This has caused Jim to pause in his questioning of Jack, presumably because his train of thought has become derailed.  Instead, he asks a question different from the one that had previously been on his mind.

This is a good and proper use of the ellipsis.  There are many other examples I could give, but I wont, because hey, screw this educational shit, it’s time to get on with the bitching.

The problem comes when internet dipshits take this too far.  And by “too far”, I mean “Way the fucking FUCK too far.”  First of all, an ellipsis is not just a super period.  It’s not like the exclamation point, where using more of them just makes your sentence louder!!!!!  Or the question mark, where using more of them makes your sentence more incredulous?????  Using extra periods at the end of a sentence just makes you sound like you’re trailing off slowly after every single thing you say. In short, it makes you sound high.  I realize most of you are high, like fucking 24/7 high, but still, do you really want everybody to KNOW that?

Here’s a real-world example:

“i would love to debate this … really, i would … but it’s not debatable anymore is it? … there were no wmd’s … and the justifications that are offered now by defenders of this war weren’t offered then because they wouldn’t have convinced the american people.”

Every sentence ends unnecessarily with an ellipsis.  Look at that one where he ended with both a question mark and an ellipsis!  That’s just ridiculous.  This guy just might have an intelligent point to make, but I’ll never know, because no flipping way am I reading any farther in this post.

What exactly is he trying to indicate with those ellipses, anyway?  The best I can figure, again, is that he’s super high,  and he’s doing his level best to convey his squinty-eyed, slack-jawed, confused way of speaking in text form.  I bet after he got done posting this, he went to his roommate and said “dude… where did you score this weed?…  it’s fucking killer… are there any more Doritos?…”  Except he didn’t goddamn capitalize Doritos.  But I had to, because it was already bugging the shit out of me to not capitalize anything else, I couldn’t bear to not capitalize the proper noun at the end.  (Not capitalizing at least the first word of every sentence is another piece of internet fuckery that I’d like to rant about sometime, but I’ll leave it for another day.)

Now, don’t get me wrong.  If you’ve got yourself some killer weed, you go ahead and smoke up.  That’s cool man, it’s all good.  I might not even mind having a conversation with you over the ‘tubes while you’re high.  Just don’t fucking type like you’re high!  Don’t annoy the goddamn shit out of me by imitating a style of speaking I can’t goddamn stand when I hear it in person.  For better or worse, people take the shit you say when you’re high way less seriously than they might otherwise.  You’re only doing yourself a disservice by letting everybody know you were baked while typing that forum post.  And if you’re not high, what in the bloody blue hell are you doing typing like you are? Just stop it!  What do you think you’re accomplishing?  I’m actually really curious.

It only gets worse from here.  That was a good example, in the sense that I at least understood what the guy was saying, and he was completely consistent in his (mis)use of the ellipsis.  Check THIS shit out:

“I don’t care what you say, grew up with the word “Retarded” it simply means, someone that lacks intelligence if you like you can call it Mentally Challenged…..what ever Sarah Palin is both…….who cares what she thinks, until she says she is running in 2012 she needs to keep her thoughts to herself…..funny how the only place she can go to voice her opinion is FACEBOOK or FOX, she still can’t face or talk to the main stream media…… so RETARDED…….”

This guy is bordering on incoherent.  And now we see the “super period” use of the ellipsis.  These really aren’t even ellipses, since those have only three dots, remember.  These have like four, five, six, seven–however many the dude feels he needs to convey his point.  Which apparently is something like “I AM SO HIGH RIGHT NOW!  ALSO FUCK SARAH PALIN AND RETARDED PEOPLE!”  I mean, I guess.  Who can fucking tell?

Posts like this one also give the lie to the old “it’s OK because you understood what I was saying” line that people say in defense of their poor writing.  Guess what?  No I did not understand what you were saying there, dumb ass.  And your lack of writing ability and your use of the internet ellipsis has greatly contributed to that fact.

This is a particularly egregious example, but it’s not even the worst I’ve ever seen.  I’d show you some of those, but typically my brain shuts down and I click away from the page before I can read any posts that contain really awful usage of the internet ellipsis–and forcing myself to find some just for the purpose of writing this has left me drained.  But some people really lean on the period key.  It’s like they’re that keyboardist in that Flock Of Seagulls video, who apparently holds one damn note on his keyboard for half the song.  He’s just working that key, man.  At one point he even switches hands so he can use his other index finger, presumably because the other one was really tired, but he’s careful to always keep that magic key depressed.  Like that asshole, some of you out there really work that period key, to the point where entire lines of some posts are nothing but periods.

I don’t get it, I never will, and the hell of it is, you fucktards wont stop doing it even if you do read this, so I’m wasting my time. At least writing this was a tad bit cathartic…………………………………

Posted in Miscellaneous.

I guess it’s less dumb than rhino horns…

So did you hear the latest?  Apparently pork is an aphrodisiac now.  Or so says the President of Argentina, who says she and her husband ate some nice barbecue pork and “things went very well that weekend”.  That’s some awesome anecdotal evidence right there, I must admit.

Apparently the Argentinians eat a metric shitton of beef, and the government is trying to encourage them to eat more pork.  Because that’s what governments are for, doncha know?  I guess telling them they can ditch their Viagra and replace it with a delicious pulled pork sandwich and get the same results is a small fib on the grand scale of “lies governments have told”, but holy shit, can you imagine how terrible it would be if Obama tried to get Americans to eat more pork by saying “Yeah, Michelle and I had some pork chops last weekend, and let me tell you, she’s still walking bow-legged.  Know what I mean?  Huh?  You smell what I’m cookin’ here folks?”

Actually, that would be totally awesome.  Nevermind.  Also, President Obama should totally channel The Rock during speeches in real life instead of just in my head.

Anywho, in closing, I’d just like to say that I had no idea that the President of Argentina was such a major hotty.  Let me be downright sexist here for a moment and say that if Hillary Clinton looked like that instead of like this, I bet she’d be President right now.

Ha ha, no, just kidding.  She’d still have lost.

Posted in In The News.

The Battle of Verdun

The longest battle in the history of humanity took place between February and December of 1916 near the French city of Verdun.  It’s only fitting that Word War I, possibly the dumbest war in the history of forever, has as its centerpiece one of the dumbest battles ever fought.

Now, I know what you’re thinking.  You’re thinking “You’re just going to make fun of the French some more, aren’t you?”  And, well, you’re right.  I know, it’s cheap and easy to make fun of French military blunders.  But the best part about the Battle of Verdun is that the French were arguably being less dumb than the Germans who were attacking them.  Any time you have a situation where someone fucks up harder than the French while fighting a battle, you know you’ve got an all-time blunder on your hands.

Here’s the situation.  World War I started in late summer 1914, and by early fall the western front had stagnated.  The two sides (Britain and France on one side, Germany and Austria-Hungary  on the other) settled down into a network of trenches and didn’t move much for the next four years.  Throughout 1915 both sides attempted to achieve the elusive breakthrough that would end the stagnation and bring victory for their side.  Alas, all this achieved was minuscule movements of the trench lines and lots and lots and lots of casualties.

In 1916, the Germans decided to try a different tactic.  They reasoned that a breakthrough was no longer possible in the current situation, and instead they would pick a spot on the French lines that the French Army could not afford to abandon, and attack it endlessly, forcing the French to bring more and more men into the fray.  They sought to “bleed them white”, to inflict such great casualties on the French that they would either lose the will to fight or would be unable to defend other parts of the line effectively.

They picked the fortifications in and around the city of Verdun.  Verdun had played a major role in several previous French wars; it had withstood an assault by Attila the Hun in the fifth century, and had been built up after the Franco-Prussian war specifically to bolster French defenses against future German aggression.  The German plan was to attack, and bait the French into an all-out defense of the city and forts.

Well, it worked… sort of.  The Germans attacked, and the French took the bait and committed to hold the city at any cost.  It became not just a matter of military importance, but of French national pride.  Before the battle was finally over,  70% of the French army had been through “the wringer of Verdun”.  However, this might have been to France’s ultimate advantage–the French army had a policy of rotating troops out of the battle every 2-3 weeks, which is why such a high percentage of the army eventually saw action at Verdun.  By comparison, only 25% of the German army saw action at Verdun, so the French troops were comparatively fresh at any given time.

The Germans spilled a lot of French blood at Verdun, but at a price that was far too high.  The French casualties from the battle (approximately 371,000 killed, missing, or wounded) were only slightly higher than the German casualties (337,000).  By the time all was said and done, the entire thing was a wash–the Germans made small advances, but were eventually turned back by French counter attacks.  The Germans had managed to do nothing other than reduce the number of available fighting men on both sides by approximately the same amount, and also to blast the shit out of small portion of the French countryside.

The French, in turn, took their successful (if highly costly) defense of Verdun as a sign that fixed fortifications were a good idea, now and forever, and this led to the creation of the Maginot Line after the war.  And we all know how well that worked for them.  Also, the demoralizing effect of the war, and the Battle of Verdun in particular, is often credited with contributing to the French collapse at the start of World War II–they just didn’t have the heart to go through it all again.

So there you have it.  The Germans failed to either take Verdun or kill enough Frenchmen to change the course of the war, and they lost nearly as many men as they killed.  The French in turn held a line that probably didn’t need to be held, at such a huge cost that the effects were still being felt decades later.

Dumbest battle ever?  It’s in the running, for sure.

Posted in Retro.

NBC pays Conan $45 million to go away

NBC seem to have a knack for setting up Kobayashi Maru situations for themselves.  First it was Jay vs Dave, now, years later, it’s Jay vs Conan.  And I’m pretty sure Conan won.

For those of you living next door to Osama bin Laden in a Pakistani cave for the past few months, here’s a quick rundown of the situation:  Jay left the Tonight Show for his own prime time gig at 10pm.  Jay flopped in prime time.  NBC says “Hey, no problem.  We’ll move you back to The Tonight Show.”  Conan says “Uh, hey, no.  That’s my gig now.”  NBC says “Oh, well fine, we’ll just move The Jay Leno Show to 11:35 (The Tonight Show’s timeslot for the past 40 some years or so) and make it half an hour.  Then you keep The Tonight Show, but it’s on at 12:05.  So then Conan is all “That would make it The Tomorrow Show.  Not gonna do it.”

At this point, to somebody with some sense, it would seem that the best solution would be for NBC to say “Ok then.  Hey, sorry Jay.  You kind of suck anyway, and your show blew, and you’re sixty years old and not funny.  So… You’re fired.”  Or something similar.  I mean, do you know anybody who thinks Jay Leno is funny?  I don’t.  Ok, I lie.  I know one person.  But he’s kind of odd in the head.  To be honest, Conan isn’t that funny either, but he’s still more funny than Jay.

But no, instead they gave Conan a huge pile of money to go away.  They’re going to give Jay back The Tonight Show, and Conan will turn up on some other network in the fall when his no-compete clause is up.

The most ridiculous part about this whole thing is that the hand-off of The Tonight Show from Jay to Conan was orchestrated five years ago, in a bid to prevent exactly this kind of stupidity–NBC went through a huge shake-up when Jay took over from Carson, because everybody and his mother (including Johnny Carson himself) thought the obvious choice to replace Carson was David Letterman, who was then hosting Late Night, the show that comes on after The Tonight Show.  Instead, NBC execs went with Jay, and Letterman took off for CBS.

This time, NBC gave everybody a five year heads up on the hand-off, and locked Conan into the job–and then paid him millions to go home after just seven months.

Good job, NBC!

Posted in Celebrities.

Hey, remember this jackhole?

Yeah, it’s that dingus John Edwards.  One-time Democratic nominee for Vice President and former Presidential candidate.  He’s finally admitting that the child his mistress gave birth to in early 2008 is his.

In case you don’t remember (or didn’t care–and I can’t say as I blame you if you didn’t), Edwards’ infidelity was a hot topic during his brief stint as an also-ran during the 2008 Democratic primary season.  Well, as hot a topic as can be expected when it involves a dude who had no shot at winning the nomination.  He and I won the same number of primaries, as I recall.

Cheating on your wife is bad enough.  But Johnny’s wife also has incurable cancer, so he’s like a double shithead for cheating on a dying woman.  Seriously man, that’s just low.  Fuck you.

But here’s the real thing.  Why on earth did you get your mistress pregnant?  That’s like the dumbest thing in the world.  This isn’t the friggin middle ages here.  We have pretty reliable methods of birth control.  Wrap it up, dumbass!  At least Clinton was smart enough to pull out.  Nothing good can come of getting your mistress pregnant.  There’s no upside to that at all.  This has already ruined him politically, and now will likely ruin him financially as well.  Not only will he have to support (and rightly so) his child, he’ll likely have to give tons of money to his ex-mistress, and it wouldn’t surprise me if his wife finally decided to stop standing by her man and took a big chunk out of him in a divorce settlement.

And it couldn’t have happened to a shittier guy!  Sayonara, asshole.

Posted in In The News.