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Ozzy made me do it

People love to blame other people for their problems.  It’s like a law of nature or something.  You know, like Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion.  It’s the Law of The Other Dude Is At Fault Not Me.

William “Sonny” Liston of Ohio took this to the extreme when he blamed his drunk driving arrest on Ozzy Osbourne.  Ozzy’s music made him do it.  Whatever you say, asshole.

Actually, while this is very dumb and deserving of ridicule all by itself, there’s something entirely unrelated to this in the article that I’d like to make fun of.  When the AP tries to explain to all the mouth-breathing know-nothings out there who Ozzy is, they do so like this:  “Osbourne’s hits as lead singer of heavy metal band Black Sabbath and as a solo artist include “Paranoid” and “Road to Nowhere.””

Now, those of us who haven’t been living under a rock for the past 40 odd years know who Ozzy is.  But if you in fact didn’t know who Ozzy was or needed a hint, is that really the best way to jog your memory–listing those two songs?  If we’re picking just one song to represent his time with Sabbath, “Paranoid” isn’t a bad choice.  I probably would have gone with “Iron Man” but that could just be personal preference.  It’s entirely possible more people would recognize “Paranoid” than “Iron Man.”  I also would have accepted “War Pigs” or “Sweet Leaf” or even “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.”  But clearly the top two choices, in some order, are “Iron Man” and “Paranoid” so the AP doesn’t fail here.

But “Road to Nowhere” is at best an odd choice.  At worst it shows that the guy who wrote this has no fucking clue about anything Ozzy related and just Googled randomly to find some song titles.  Seriously, “Road to Nowhere?”  You have all of Ozzy’s thirty plus year solo career to pick from, and you zeroed in on “Road to Nowhere” as your representative sample?  Just off the top of my head I can think of probably half a dozen better known Ozzy songs.  Before I went with “Road to Nowhere” I probably would have gone with, in some order, “Crazy Train,” “Mama I’m Comin’ Home,” “Bark at the Moon,” “Shot in the Dark,” “Diary of a Madman,” or “Mr. Crowley.”  Hell, “Road to Nowhere” wasn’t even the highest charting single from its own album–the aforementioned “Mama I’m Comin’ Home” peaked at number 2, while “Road to Nowhere” only made it as far as number 3.

Don’t get me wrong, “Road to Nowhere” is a good song from one of Ozzy’s best solo albums.  It’s just not anywhere close to the first song I’d pick if trying to remind people who Ozzy Osbourne is.  Seriously AP, WTF?

Posted in In The News.

Killed by Frogger

Hey, you know what was a great game back in the day?  Frogger.  You know what’s a really, really stupid idea?  Real life Frogger.  Yeah, some asshole nearly got himself killed when he decided to play Frogger in real life.  He ran right out into traffic and tried to dodge the cars and got his ass owned by an SUV.  Luckily for him, he didn’t actually lose his life, because unlike arcade Frogger, you don’t get any others here in the real world.

There’s not really much else to say about this, except:  Holy.  Shit.   Fucking dumbass.

Posted in In The News.

Dear Blizzard: Scripted failure sucks.

So this is a post about World of Warcraft.  Specifically, the zone Vashj’ir, one of the new zones added in the new Cataclysm expansion.  I’ll warn you up front.  I’m gonna spoil the shit out of the storyline of the zone, and also it’s gonna get real nerdy all up in here pretty quickly.  So if either of those bothers you, you should probably just stop reading now.

All set?  If you’re still with me, then here we go.  First, let me just say that there’s no way I’m going to remember how to spell Vashj’ir, plus that name is really awful anyhow, so from here on out I’m going to call the place Underwaterworld.  As my new name implies the entire zone is in fact underwater.

First, let me say what I liked about the zone.  Although I have one huge issue with it (that I will nit-pick more in detail in a bit) the initial storyline of the zone, which deals with rescuing the survivors of a shipwreck, is pretty engaging.  Also, I loved my sea horse mount.  And The Brothers Digsong side quests were hilarious.  That’s kind of it.

Now, on to the meat of things–what I didn’t like.  The underwater gimmick itself is fun for awhile, but very quickly the hassles of 3D fighting make the whole thing more frustrating than it’s worth.  Now instead of just worrying about being at the proper range, you now have to figure out if your dude is on the right plane to attack a mob.  Thankfully, you spend a lot of your time on the sea floor anyhow, so this hassle is minimized.  Furthermore, I’m the absolute shits at thinking spatially.  I have a hard enough time imagining where things are in relation to other things when working with just two dimensions–adding a third just made my head hurt.

As I said, the initial quests revolve around rescuing the survivors of a shipwreck.  This is fairly engaging and mostly well done–except for the fact that this is not a level in a single player game, it’s a zone in a multi-player persistent world.  So these poor, shipwrecked people inexplicably have underwater flight masters connecting them to other places in the zone (in some cases, connecting one cave they’re using to the one they’re going to move to later in the story!)  These are also connected to a flight master on the surface, who will let you fly back to the city of Stormwind where you started!  So what’s the problem again?  These poor folk are stranded down here?  I guess they just don’t have money for the sea taxi!  I understand that this is a game design choice, but for me it absolutely broke the suspension of disbelief.  It’s the kind of thing that’d work really well in a single player game, but seems ridiculous in a persistent world setting.

The real meat of my beef with this level, though, doesn’t start until the people are all rescued.  While you go about the business of playing the hero and helping these poor shipwrecked people, you of course come across some clues to a bigger mystery.  Part of these clues lead you to undergo some crazy vision quest thing, where you enter into the memories of one of the naga who are currently up to no good down here at the bottom of the sea.  Blizzard tries to make this interactive rather than just making you sit still and watch a 20 minute cut-scene.  This was a good idea, but the problem is that the “be a naga and go do naga things” bits felt like a huge sidetrack.  Worse, it takes away my character, (the guy I’ve spent countless days leveling up 1 – 80+) and replaces him with another, completely unrelated character I know nothing and care nothing about.  Worse, the thing is minimally interactive, since you start the first naga bit with a grand total of one button to push.

The entire reason for these naga bits is so you’ll eventually learn the secret of what the naga are doing down here.  But you spend probably 45 minutes of game time as this naga character in these memory/flashback things, and you learn precisely dick-all about what the naga are doing until the very end of the last vision.  And even then, the big reveal is muted by the fact that unless you’re very steeped in your World of Warcraft lore, you’re going to need the NPC to explain it to you later anyhow.  So the entire thing just seems like a pointless waste of time, a great chunk of wasted time and effort during which you don’t even get to play your own character!  Perhaps worse, though, is that while you’re doing these stupid naga quests, you’re still gaining XP for your character.  So I actually leveled from 81 to 82 as a naga during a flashback.  That struck me as exceedingly lame.

Once you rescue all the shipwreck people, you’re given a chance to bail on this storyline.  If, like me, you gamely soldier on, you’re sent back down to the depths to continue fighting the naga.  Because, as it turns out, what the naga are up to is trying to punch Neptulon in the face.  Of course, they’re just a bunch of naga, so they have no real shot at taking on an Elemental Lord.  But you discovered at the very end of the very last naga vision bit that they have enlisted the aid of an Old God who has sent his minions to help the naga out.  Of course, you probably didn’t actually discover that yourself–the NPC told you about it later, you just stood around all confused during that final naga bit, not knowing what was going on.

Well, as it turns out, the good guys don’t want Neptulon getting punched in the face, so we all set to work making sure it doesn’t happen.  There’s a whole lot of quests that don’t seem to advance the story much, then finally, the big fight occurs!  Hooray, finally I get to be a valiant warrior and fight alongside an Elemental Lord to crush the combined forces of the naga and the old god!

Hahaha, no.  That’s not what happens!  Here’s what really happens.  You watch a giant cutscene.  Then the game lets you run your character a few feet, and fight an elite mob for about fifteen seconds.  Then a super-powerful NPC gets bored and destroys all the mobs, and you run some more.  Then you stop and fight more elite mobs, only AGAIN the NPC jumps in and finishes the fight before you get to actually do much of anything.  Finally, you get to the final fight!  Neptulon rises from the deep, and the battle is joined!

Except you don’t get to participate!  This final bit is all done in cut-scene, so you just watch as the NPCs lose the goddamn fight and leave you standing all by yourself in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but a burning sense of outrage at how fucking cheated you feel.  You’re seriously left to just stand there wondering why you bothered wasting your time with this shit.  Everything you did was apparently in vain.  The naga apparently win, Neptulon vanishes (probably to be freed in a later raid) and all you can do is try to rescue one of the NPCs who was captured in the final fight (but this requires running a 5 man dungeon.)

It’s complete bullshit.  I don’t even get a say in what happens, I’m forced to fail, and somehow I’m supposed to feel good about this?  Worse, Blizzard managed to get this so wrong while at the same time getting the storyline for the other Cataclysm starting zone, Mount Hyjal, so very right.  Everything that’s bad about Underwaterworld is fixed in Mount Hyjal.  There, I felt like an integral part of the storyline–my actions made a difference, I was never scripted to fail, I never had control taken away from me in key situations, and I got to fucking WIN in the end!  Sure, it’s a muted victory, since you know the bad guy you defeated will be back.  But I at least got to defeat him momentarily!  I got to participate!  I didn’t just stand there and watch the NPCs fight and lose.

So screw you Blizzard.  Scripted failure sucks.

Posted in Miscellaneous.

Punching little girls

Pop quiz!  You’re skiing the bunny slope with your four year old son.  A young girl skiing nearby swerves to avoid a fallen skier and accidentally runs into your son and they go down in a heap.  What do you do?

A) Calmly assess the situation and see if anybody is hurt.

B) Panic and grab your son to find out if he’s all right and ignore the other skier.

C) Jump on top of the young girl and start punching her in the face.

If you picked C, then congratulations!  You and Scott Filler have something in common!  You see, when this situation happened to him recently at Beaver Creek, he decided the most rational course of action open to him was to start punching the shit out of a 14 year old girl.  His rationale was that he thought his son was seriously hurt, and that the girl had been skiing recklessly.

Sure man!  Those are two perfectly acceptable reasons for a grown man to start punching a child!  Whenever I see one of those damn punks on their skateboards fall down, I jump on top of them and start beating their faces in too!  Because hey, they were skateboarding recklessly.  And whenever I see a little kid accidentally run into a toddler in the mall, I just jump right on top of that kid and punch the shit out of his face!  Because damn, that toddler might be seriously hurt!  I’m not gonna check the toddler first to find out or anything, that would be a waste of my fucking time.  There’s some faces that need punching!

Seriously though, punching kids isn’t funny.  Fuck you Scott Filler.  Fuck you in the neck with a shovel, as we like to say here on the intertubes.

Posted in In The News.

Worst pitcher ever

What’s the dumbest play in baseball?  For my money, it’s the intentional walk.  The entire point of playing defense in baseball is to keep the other dudes from scoring.  The first step in that process is to keep them off the bases.  And here you go putting a guy on intentionally?  Yeah, I know all the arguments.  You set up a potential double play, or you walk a really good hitter to pitch to a less-good hitter.  Still, it’s possibly the most overused play in baseball, and rarely is it the right thing to do.

This video, however, just might be the best example of a time when it’s not obviously incorrect to intentionally walk someone.  Runner on third in the home half of an extra-inning tie ballgame with less than two outs.  In this very specific case, intentionally walking the batter (or even walking two batters to load the bases, as this team attempts to do) may actually improve your odds of winning the game.  The two potential runs you put on base are completely meaningless, since the guy on third is the only run that matters.  Now a ground ball likely gets some kind of double play and ends the inning.  And if it doesn’t get two, there’s a force play at home that eliminates the need for a tag on a play at the plate.

But this pitcher fucks it all up.  Take a look.

Wow.  Just… Wow.

The pitcher has been tasked with possibly the easiest job he will ever be asked to do.  Lob the ball eight consecutive times to his catcher, who will catch the ball significantly out of the strike zone, thus resulting in two intentional walks.  And he blows it.  Worse, he doesn’t just blow it.  He chokes hardcore.  Of the six pitches he manages to throw, half of them are not anywhere near where the catcher is standing.  He finally throws a wild pitch and the winning run comes home from third.  A wild pitch!  During an intentional walk!

It’s the damnedest thing I’ve ever seen.  The manager comes out to talk to him after he nearly throws the game away twice while trying to walk the first batter.  I can only imagine how that conversation went:

Manager:  “You OK man?  Is your arm, like, broken or something?”

Pitcher:  “What?  No, I’m cool.”

Manager:  “Because I asked you to walk the guy, not fucking throw two balls in the dirt and scare the bejeesus out of me.  You think you can manage to walk this next guy without making me soil my pants again?”

Pitcher:  “Sure coach, I’m good.  I’m good.”

Manager:  “Because seriously.  I can bring in that goon in right field or something if you need it.  You can go out there and just wait for four pitches if you want.  Collect yourself or whatever.”

Pitcher:  “Coach, I’m fine.  I’m fine.  I can walk this guy.”

Manager:  “You sure?  You got enough left in the tank to walk this guy?”

Pitcher:  “I can do it coach.”

Manager:  “…all right then.  Go get ‘em!”

Posted in Miscellaneous.