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Oh noes, A-Rod played POKER?

It’s been way too goddamn long since I’ve had anything to put in the “Alex Rodriguez” category, so it’s about time the guy did something stupid enough to get him back on here.

Unfortunately, as much as I want to, I have a hard time condemning him for what he’s allegedly done this time.  Which is: Play poker. That’s kind of it.  Oh, and maybe he saw some dude snort some cocaine. Oh, and this one guy, (not Alex Rodriguez, though) apparently tried to welsh on his poker debt.

Really?  That’s worth an investigation by MLB, and possibly the FBI? Now, it doesn’t surprise me much that the FBI cares about this, since they seem to have it in for poker (these are the same assholes who brought you Black Friday, after all.)  But MLB?  They care about A-Rod playing poker why?  I gather it has something to do with “associating with gamblers” which apparently got Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays banned for “life” back in the day (they got unbanned rather quickly.) They’re afraid he might have been in the same room with people who might have bet on baseball! THE HORROR!

First, let me say this. If there was a high stakes poker game going on (and it sure seems like there was,) I guaran-damn-tee that someone in that room has bet heavily on baseball at some time. That’s pretty much a given. High stakes poker players come in only two varities: Action junkies, and those who claim to not be action junkies but really are.   Now, I’m talking about the truly high, nose-bleed level stakes here.  Not the guys playing $100/$200 limit hold ‘em at Bellagio. Some of those guys are action junkies, but some of them are in the game grinding it out on their leather asses, squeezing every penny until Lincoln screams.  I’m talking about the games where more money is put in on the big blind than most people make in a month, games that take place in private rooms or at the palatial home of one of the players. Games where the stakes are high enough so that even a guy like A-Rod, who makes something like fixty hojillion dollars an at bat, might feel a little gut-punched after losing a big pot.  So yeah, at those stakes, it’s impossible to put together a game in which none of the guys have ever bet on baseball.  Most of those guys have bet on every sport you can think of.  Little league baseball, women’s softball, curling–if its ever been on TV, they’ve bet on it. They’ve bet on how long it’ll take the pizza guy to get there (and by “pizza guy” I of course mean “the guy they paid to go get them a pizza from the best pizzeria in town and bring it back to the game,” because none of those guys are ordering from Papa Johns, and none of them are getting up from the game as long as a whale like A-Rod is still there.) They’ve bet on who can go the longest without taking a shit, and probably made themselves sick trying to win. So it’s a given that they’ve bet on baseball.

But… so?. No really. So what? If just hanging around the wrong dudes is enough to get you fined or suspended in MLB, that seems really shitty. I mean, A-Rod is also known to be a friend of Pete Rose. OH SHIT BETTER FINE HIM FOR THAT TOO!

Another concern MLB has is that this game might be “perceived the wrong way” by the public. That’s clearly suit-talk for “Stop rubbing your wealth in people’s faces.” I know it’s fashionable currently to blame all problems everywhere on the richies, but I find it hard to get worked up about this. So the guy pissed away a few thousand bucks. Big deal, he’ll make that back and then some the next time he strikes out.  Whatever.

Now, I imagine I can hear a bunch of you out there howling “But the game was ILLEGAL! He was playing in an ILLEGAL GAME!” Ugh. That’s seriously the best you can do? Right, because everything that is illegal is automatically wrong. All I have to say to that is this: can you think of any example from any time in history of a government passing an unjust law?  I bet you can. I’m not going to insult you by pointing any out, because frankly if you can’t think of any, you’re too stupid to argue with anyhow. Also because, if I do, somebody, somewhere will get the idea into their fool head that I’m equating the stupidity of anti-gambling laws with the evils of whatever random thing I pick as another example of an unjust law.  Then I’ll be knee deep in assholes bleating “Are you saying the criminalization of gambling is as bad as X?  OMG UR SO STUPID!” And if you truly believe there’s a good argument to be made for making it illegal for people to gather together in private and wager on a game of cards, then there’s nothing I can say that’ll make you shut up anyhow.

But, hey.  It’s good to have A-Rod back in the news again!  I mean, for something other than being stupidly good at baseball.

Posted in Alex Rodriguez.

You know jack about dick

I was reading Slashdot just now (because I enjoy pain) and came across this rather insane insult: “Stop arguing. You know jack about dick on the subject.” I’d link you to the actual comment, but I can’t goddamn figure out Slashdot’s insane comment system, so I can’t figure out how to find the URL that takes you there.

First, let me just say this is a clear case of overkill. Either one of “You know jack about the subject” or “You know dick about the subject” would have been sufficient. Going overboard with “You know jack about dick” just makes it seem like you’re reaching.

Second, how exactly did “dick” become a synonym for “nothing”? I understand the pejorative use of dick to mean, an unlikeable, mean or generally bad person. That sort of makes sense. Dicks fuck things. That’s kind of what they’re for. So mean/unlikeable/bad people who fuck other people are called dicks. (Of course, to accept this definition you must first accept the definition of “fucked” as being synonymous with “screwed over” or injured or hurt in some way. Which seems pretty messed up to begin with–are we implying all sex is rape and therefore bad? I don’t know. I don’t think I want to know. I think this is probably not the blog to be tackling those kinds of questions.) But how does it end up meaning “nothing”? That’s kind of a mystery to me. I can’t even make up an etymology that makes any sense. Can you?

Anyhow, the more I think about it, the more “you know jack about dick” has grown on me (oh shit, was that a pun?)  It seems like a great all around insult. I’m going to start using it.

Posted in Miscellaneous.

Not Finding Bigfoot

As I believe I’ve said before, I love cryptozoology.  Or rather, I should say that I like the idea of cryptozoology–the search for and study of animals unknown to science.  Although I don’t have any particularly strong beliefs and tend to err strongly on the side of skepticism, I love the thought that maybe there are large bipedal primates lurking in the deep forests of Washington, or huge octopuses in the deep waters of the ocean.

Recently I’ve been watching this show called Monster Quest.  It’s all about searching for unknown creatures such as lake monsters, Thunderbirds, and giant squids (which, by the way, actually DO exist–no idea what they were doing on this show.)   They even managed to do an episode about “rods”, a supposed cryptid longtime readers will remember from a previous post.  It’s not a bad show, as these things go.  In fact, they pretty thoroughly debunked “rods” by using high speed cameras, but of course none of the true believers could be swayed.

My main gripe with the show is that every other goddamn episode is about bigfoot.  And not the monster truck, either–that’d be awesome.  No, they spend the majority of their time showing guys tramping around in the woods, putting up camera traps and hoping a bigfoot will wander by one.  Of course, one never does, but that doesn’t dissuade anybody.  Two episodes down the line they’ll be back hunting for him–except now he’s in China!  And that’s where the creativity comes in, I suppose.  If they just flat out said that half the episodes of the show were about bigfoot, people might stop watching.  I mean, they sort of promise a variety of different monsters being quested for, and instead mainly quest for bigfoot.  But they try to fool you by calling him something different every time!  In China he’s called the Yeren, in Canada he’s the Sasquatch, in Australia he’s the Yowie, and in the southern US, they got a thing called a skunk ape that, you know, sort of looks a lot like bigfoot!

It gets pretty annoying after a few repetitions.  It wouldn’t be bad if the show wasn’t exactly the same every fucking time though.  Some guys go out, set camera traps, camp in the woods for awhile, don’t see anything, and come back.  Meanwhile, some actual scientists are tasked with doing DNA testing on some blood or hair samples, and always either find nothing at all or find that the DNA is a match for humans, or monkeys, or some other known primate.  But they keep teasing you that maybe this is the time they’re going to find something!

But apparently there’s so much interest in finding bigfoot, there’s actually a whole show dedicated to that now.  It’s called, oddly enough, Finding Bigfoot and it airs on Animal Planet for some reason (probably because there isn’t a network called “Imaginary Animal Planet.”  Although there sure should be!)  I’ll admit I’ve only seen a few episodes of this show.  But it seems to be filled with the same sorts of stuff–camping out, camera traps, thermal cameras, and breathless, whispered questions in the spoooooky darkness.  And of course, a distinct lack of any tangible evidence for bigfoot.

The real thing with shows like this is that you know going into it that they didn’t find anything.  How do I know this?  Am I psychic?  Shit no.  I know they didn’t find anything because if they had, it would have been all over the news.  I wouldn’t have to hunt through my channel lineup to find Animal Planet and watch the damn show to find out about it–I could just turn on any network station or go to any internet news site and hey, there it’d be.  Bigfoot found!  Actual carcass/hair sample/scat from a large,  unknown primate discovered!  Cryptozoologists vindicated!  But if they were honest and called the show “Not Finding Bigfoot,” nobody would watch.

Posted in Miscellaneous.

Gorilla attacked by banana

Sometimes the AP does my job for me. They took the “banana split” joke already, leaving me searching for some way to work in a reference to pies… Nah, it’s not happening.  I’ve got nothing.

Best quote from the article:  “Parham says the attacker looked like a Spartan from the movie “300” — except he was a banana.”  I’m going to start using that “except he was a banana” line all the time.  “The guy looked just like Charlie Sheen — except he was a banana.”  “I saw this singer on TV who sounded just like Toby Keith — except he was a banana.”  “I went to a con once and this guy was dressed up like Reg from the Phantasm movies — except he was a banana.”  It’s so versatile!

Posted in In The News.

The mean streets of Bangor are safe again

Bangor, ME, otherwise known as “that place Stephen King inexplicably lives, despite being rich enough not to have to,” is a little safer now, thanks to some brave police officers who threw a homeless man in jail for the terrible crime of stealing electricity.  Local homeless dude Shawn Fawster was busted for sitting behind a downtown building, charging two cell phones from an outdoor outlet.  He was charged with “theft of services” and thrown in the hoosegow, where criminals like him belong.  Justice has clearly been served.

Posted in In The News.