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I’m a big dumb dummy

Lately I’ve been playing a lot of poker. It’s one of the few things I can do year round that I really enjoy doing, and it helps take my mind off everything else that’s going on in my life.

Unfortunately, despite having been playing for years now, I’m not that good at poker. Ever since Black Friday, I’ve been forced back into the local casinos to get my poker fix, which is even worse for me, since although I was a winning online player, I seem to be a break-even at best live player. I’m not sure exactly why, but over my lifetime I’ve definitely lost more than I’ve won playing live, where the opposite was true online.

Anywho, I’ve been playing some live tournaments lately, trying to relearn some of the mad skillz I seem to have forgotten since getting kicked off the online poker rooms. Probably my biggest leak in live tournament play is that I sometimes just completely go nuts and make a horribad play in completely the wrong situation, and it’ll cost me all or nearly all of my chips. Similar to pro player Mike Matusow, I’ll often dump off all my chips in crazy fashion, then walk away muttering to myself about how awful that was.

Last night, I got into it with a player two seats to my left. He’d had my number all night, and was a good player overall. I couldn’t steal his blind, and he always seemed to make exactly the right move against me. I kept fixating on him, wondering exactly what I had to do to win a pot off him. His playbook seemed fairly simple. Whenever I raised from late position when he was in the blinds, he’d call, check to me on the flop, call any reasonable flop bet, then check to me again on the turn. If I checked behind, he’d fire a bet on the river trying to take the pot. If I bet the turn, he’d ponder for a bit, and either call or fold–but he always seemed to know where I was, because he’d call when I was betting with air and fold when I had a hand. I always seemed to need a hand to beat him, and when I had a hand I couldn’t make any money from him because he seemed to know he was behind and would fold. It’s frustrating as hell when someone is clearly reading you very well, and having such a tough player in the blinds made blind stealing (a must in tournament play) nearly impossible.

Finally, I had my moment of stupid. I was on the button with AQo, and made a raise. Of course my nemesis calls in the big blind, and we see the flop heads up. It comes three small cards, and he checks to me. This was shaping up just like every other hand I’d played against him in the tournament.  If I bet, he’d call. If I improved on the turn and bet, he’d fold. If I didn’t improve and still bet, he’d call. He was frustrating the shit out of me, and all I was thinking was “What haven’t I tried yet?” I’d tried making a standard bet, I’d tried checking when I missed the flop, I’d tried checking when I hit the flop and betting the turn trying to “disguise” my hand–nothing worked, this guy picked it all off, every time.

So I shoved all my chips into the pot, thinking maybe I could just blow him off the hand right here. He immediately called and turned over two jacks. I shook my head, knowing I’d made the worst possible play, and turned over my AQo.

“Why the hell would you shove with that hand?” he said derisively. I opened my mouth to say something (I still don’t know exactly what) but just then the dealer brought the turn, which was an ace.

“Because I knew that was coming,” I said, like a true luckbox asshole. The river was no help to him, so he walked away muttering to himself about how he’d set me up perfectly and still lost.

Now, let me be clear here.  I made a horrible play. I made the play almost entirely because this one guy had been pissing me off all night, which is probably the worst reason to do anything in poker. He truly had set me up and I’d blundered into the trap and still come out unscathed. That’s part of the beauty of poker, though–sometimes the worst hand wins, and if it wasn’t that way, nobody would play.

But here’s the thing that keeps bugging me. The guy claimed he’d put me on AK or AQ, which is what I had, so he’d called with his jacks to see a flop and try to trap me into bluffing off some of my chips.  Then the flop came three rags and I shoved my chips into the middle, and he insta-called. Wait, really? Sure, if you really think I have two big cards and am bluffing (which I was) that was the right play. But… you berate me for making an insane play with two over cards, a bet you can’t believe I’d made.  And yet that thought never entered your head before calling? You can’t believe I’d make a play like that, and yet you called off all your chips banking on the fact that I had, in fact, made exactly that play? That does not really compute.

For the record, I shoved partly because I’m insane, but partly because I didn’t think he had a pair either. His pattern was to call me almost any time I raised his blind, so it’s not like I can assume he has a pair every time he does that. If he has AK and I blow him off the hand with AQ, then I look like a genius.

Clearly next time, I should follow T.J. Cloutier’s strategy, and play only medium pairs so I can flop middle set and bust him.

Posted in Miscellaneous.

Creative solutions

Man, who hasn’t had this happen to him? You set up a date with a hot chick behind your girlfriend’s back so you can get a little action on the side to tide you over. But then just when your new lady friend shows up, OH NO!  Your girlfriend comes home unexpectedly! We’ve all done that, right? I mean, we’re all a bunch of assholes like that, right men?

OK, so maybe you’ve never had this happen to you. But it happened to Kevin Gaylor of Colorado Springs. His response to the crisis was creative, at least. He called the cops and reported his date as a burglar! Yes officers, please take this hot chick away, she, uh… broke into my house and poured herself a glass of wine! And was just about to get naked and get into my bed! You’d better take her away before she does anything else! Like have sex with me!

Ah, who am I kidding. A guy like that doesn’t offer his date a glass of wine. He gives her a shot of tequila with a sedative in it.

Posted in In The News.

Kelsey Grammer may be an idiot

Remember that show “Cheers”?  That was a pretty good show. Kelsey Grammar was on that show, and then he got his own show, and now he’s totally rich and famous. And although he plays an incredibly intelligent guy on TV, it turns out he may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer in real life. As exhibit A in my case, I present to you this article right here.

Mr Grammer is apparently getting a divorce from his wife. This is not an unusual thing, especially in Hollywood. However, what is rather unusual is that apparently Grammer’s wife never actually wanted to be married to him. He claims that she asked for a divorce “almost the first day we were married.” Of course he’s weaseling with the “almost,” but it’s still rather apparent that (he claims, at least) the woman never much cared for him. And yet, he married her anyway.  And then when she asked for a divorce, he said… no? It apparently took him quite awhile to cave, because he says “If you say you want a divorce enough times, you’re going to get one.” Uh, yeah.  That’s generally how it works. I mean, sure, if you think things can be worked out, by all means try to work them out. But this does not seem to be one of those cases.

This is by far my favorite quote from the article:

When asked whether he thought his ex married him because of his fame, the actor said, “No, I think she married me because I was Frasier,” referring to his role as Dr. Frasier Crane​ on the sitcoms “Cheers” and “Frasier.”

Uh. Isn’t that pretty much the same thing? Unless he’s seriously saying the woman fell in love with the character he played on TV and married him because she thought he was really like that?

In that case, then she’s an idiot. So maybe they deserve each other.

Posted in In The News.

There’s always one…

Every fantasy football league has at least one guy who ignores his team and consistently screws up by playing guys who are hurt or on a bye. Nobody likes that guy. If you weren’t going to participate and at least check your team once a week to make sure you’re not stupidly playing three guys on IR, why did you bother to sign up for the league?

Well, this year, I am that guy in my league. Some real life shit has laid the smack down on my enthusiasm for a lot of things, and fantasy football has taken a back seat for awhile.  Consequently, I’ve been playing Antonio Gates at tight end for the entire season despite the fact that he’s hurt and this week his team had a bye anyway.

This week, though, I looked like a genius. My back up tight end, Chris Cooley, who was sitting on my bench, caught one pass for minus one yard and scored -0.07 fantasy points in my league. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen–I played a guy on a bye and he ended up scoring more points than the best alternative I had.

I fucking rule at fantasy football.

Posted in Miscellaneous.

Goat steroids

The scourge of performance enhancing drugs has finally descended on the last great bastion of sportsmanship–the agricultural fair. The Weinroth family of Sedalia, Colorado recently had two prize-winning goats disqualified at the Colorado State Fair after tests revealed ractopamine in their urine.  To quote the Colorado Attorney General “The FDA has not approved ractopamine for use in goats, which means that no level of concentration is acceptable in the urine of the species.”  Take that cheaters!

The Weinroths insist they are innocent, that someone must have slipped their goats some tainted feed. The disqualification means that the family is out the $5500 and $1300 dollars the goats sold for, and they also get a 50 fair suspension for the first offense.

I know I will rest easier knowing that the state is protecting me from the scourge of over-lean show goats.

Posted in In The News.