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Beware the Iranian Ninja Ladies

Ah, Fox News. That grand bastion of journalistic integrity. Where would we be without you? (Answer: Possibly in a less hateful world.) Yesterday, Fox posted a video asking “Does Iran’s Army of Lady Ninjas Pose a Security Threat?” You should go ahead and watch that video now. I’m serious, it’s… it’s just freaking awesome.

So what did we learn from that video? Well, what I learned is that people in Iran like to study made-up bullshit martial arts like “ninjutsu” just as much as Americans do. I learned that Iranians are not immune to the silly notion that “real ninjas” wear black cotton jumpsuits and chuck throwing stars at each other constantly. I also learned that you can block shuriken with a bo, provided the person throwing the shuriken at you is careful never to aim at anything other than your bo–and even then, sometimes you still get bonked on the head.

You know what I didn’t learn, though? I learned nothing at all about this supposed ARMY OF LADY NINJAS that Fox News seems to think Iran is training. What I saw were some women engaging in a fun hobby they seem to enjoy, even if I happen to personally think the entire thing is insane. I sure didn’t see any army generals hanging around getting ready to deploy these assassins in battle. So nice try, Fox News. I see what you did there, though, and I’m not falling for it. I refuse to be afraid that, somewhere in Iran, some women are taking martial arts classes and enjoying themselves.

Posted in In The News.

It’s Super Bowl time, so let’s talk about A-Rod!

The climax of the NFL season is upon us. After two months of training camp and pre-season, seventeen weeks of regular season games, three weeks of playoff games, and one super crucial Media Hype Week, Super Bowl Sunday is fast approaching. So of course, it’s time to talk about Alex Rodriguez!

Long time readers of this blog will remember how it all began, with a post about A-Rod dumping his hot wife for that ancient sweathog Madonna. About six months later, there was this wonderful story about A-Rod possibly owning an oil painting depicting himself as a centaur.

Well, now it comes full circle. Madonna will be croaking a few of her fabulous 80s ditties at the Super Bowl this year, so of course she had to have a press conference as part of Hype Week. And of course, some shit-stirring Beantown reporter asked her about A-Rod’s rumored painting.

You can watch the video by following that link, but her response to the actual question was basically “I don’t know.” However, she also added “But I’m pretty sure he has a very large photograph of me lying on a horse.”

…wow. I can’t help but imagine both of those hanging side-by-side above A-Rod’s bed. And then I can’t help but wonder–does the man have a horse fetish?

And then I realize: I don’t want to know.

Posted in Alex Rodriguez.

Caught in an infinite loop

Raise your hand if you’re old enough to remember that anti-drug commercial from the 80s. You know the one I’m talking about. Where the business guy is walking around in a circle, muttering “But I need to do cocaine! So I can work longer. So I can earn more. So I can do more coke!” It didn’t make me not want to take cocaine (not being an idiot had already taken care of that for me) but it did make me want to shoot my TV. I have the type of brain that seemingly likes to travel in circles like that, so I can’t get self-referential things out of my head once they’re in there. One time I spent days thinking about the expansion of the acronym PINE (which stands for PINE Is Not Elm.) Go ahead, think about it for awhile, I’ll wait.

Done? OK then, here’s another one. It seems Mr. Martin Batieni Kombate of Arizona got arrested for trespassing. He was due to be released on bail, but when the time came, he said he wasn’t going. So he stuck around the jail and… got arrested for trespassing. One naturally presumes he will continue in this way forever, much like the poor cocaine addicted businessman from the commercial. He’ll live out his natural life in the county lock-up, getting re-arrested every few days for the same crime.

Good work if you can get it, I guess.

Posted in In The News.


Have you ever noticed that when a plane flies overhead, it sometimes leaves behind this cloud-like streak in the sky? Those are called contrails, short for condensation trails. They’re created when water vapor from the plane’s exhaust cools rapidly in the cold air and condenses into ice crystals. They look like clouds because they essentially are clouds–man-made cirrus clouds.  Pretty neat, huh?

Well, naturally, there are a bunch of wing-nuts who think otherwise. Where reasonable, rational people see contrails, they see chemtrails–sinister chemical and/or biological weapons being dumped on an unsuspecting populace for unknowable reasons by our own government! Now, I’m not exactly what you’d call a fan of the government, but I have a hard time believing that the same people who couldn’t stop a buck private from spilling the beans about, well, just about fucking everything, could mange to cover up the fact that they’re equipping every commercial airliner in the entire damn country with spray devices to sap us of our precious bodily fluids or whatever the fuck the crazies think.

Thankfully, the nutters have devised a strategy for clearing away the chemtrails.  It turns out, all you have to do is walk around your back yard with a spray bottle full of vinegar and spritz the air randomly, and in ten to thirty minutes, the chemtrails disappear.

No really!  They really think this! Never mind that ten to thirty minutes is just about how long your bog standard contrail hangs around anyhow.  Never mind that there’s no possible fucking way the vinegar you sprayed into the air in your back yard could even get to 30,000 feet in any appreciable quantity in that (or really, any) amount of time in order to do whatever it is it’s supposed to do to clear off the nasty chemtrails. And, never mind that it sometimes just doesn’t work (because contrails sometimes hang around longer than thirty minutes depending on atmospheric conditions,) it is an undeniable fact that vinegar kills chemtrails!

Honestly, though, I think that’s just a waste of good vinegar. I bet there’s an easier way to get the same results. So, I offer this experiment to anybody who believes that vinegar kills chemtrails. Next time you see chemtrails in the sky, go outside and shout “I’M A FUCKING IDIOT!  I’M A STUPID ASSHOLE!” over and over for about five minutes. I give you my personal guarantee* that the chemtrails will disappear within thirty minutes! Unless they don’t. In which case, try again later!

*Void where prohibited. You must be of legal age to receive guarantee assurance. Offer not valid in CA, HI, or MA. You must submit video documentation of your failed attempt in order to make a claim. Persons making a valid claim will be summarily laughed at.

Posted in Miscellaneous.

But everything is better with bacon!

I was sitting at a stop light this afternoon when I saw this:










Bacon-free WiFi? Screw that! I want WiFi with EXTRA BACON. Why would you even advertise that you’ve gone and taken bacon away from something? That’s insanity. Come on, BK, step up to the plate. Put the bacon back in your WiFi!

Posted in Miscellaneous.