Remember that scene from that movie where the horny kid is sitting in class and starts fantasizing about his hot MILF teacher doing a striptease instead of teaching about verbs or cosines or whatever? Sure you do, you saw that movie. It was… hang on… Oh yeah, it was every 80s teen comedy ever made. You remember, right? Sure you do.
Well, replace the “hot MILF” with “old dude” and you get this story right here. Raymond Devaughn Taylor, a part-time instructor at Kennesaw State University in Georgia just up and decided to get naked during class one day. Somehow when you put a dude in the scene, it stops being hot and starts being creepy.
I wish there were more information about this story. For instance, what subject was he teaching? The article just says “business.” That doesn’t really mean much, though. Was he trying to demonstrate some point about business by getting naked? Perhaps he was teaching them strategies for using naked short options? How to go about leasing space in a strip mall? Or maybe he was teaching from this book, called Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science. The article, sadly, provides none of this information, leaving me to speculate wildly.
Of course, the truth is probably that he’s just a crazy nutter. I mean, he teaches college. Ever met someone who taught at a college who wasn’t borderline insane? Yeah, me neither.
I’m pretty sure that movie was actually the video for Van Halen’s Hot For Teacher.
Well, that too. It was sort of an 80s meme. Back before anybody knew what a meme was.