Man arrested for breaking into jail gets sent to… jail. – Holy Fucking Shit You're Dumb!
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Man arrested for breaking into jail gets sent to… jail.

So did you all see this?  Dude in Florida got fifteen years in prison for trying to break into jail.  He was out on parole and felt like the family of the victim of his previous crime would be after him, so he wanted nothing to do with that whole “freedom” thing and decided he wanted back into the joint. 

I’m not really up on my parole law, but I’m fairly sure there are much easier ways to get sent back to the big house while out on parole.  Remember how the Duke boys couldn’t carry guns or leave the county as part of their infinity year parole for running shine?  Couldn’t this guy find some minor law to break to get sent back to prison?  Hell, worst case, I think I’d just jack a car, drive it around the block, then turn myself in.  That’d do it, right?  Instead, this guy cuts himself to shit scaling the 12 foot security fence around the prison.  Nice job, dickhead.  You deserve to be right where you are.

On the other hand… should we really reward people for committing crimes?  He wanted to go to jail.  So shouldn’t his punishment be not going to jail?  Or maybe they should make him stand on the curb outside the prison and stare longingly at the building all day?  I dunno.   

Also, just out of curiosity–why is breaking INTO jail a crime worthy of 15 years… in jail?

My head hurts.

Posted in In The News.