In other news, bullets really can kill people, and swords really can cut people! – Holy Fucking Shit You're Dumb!
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In other news, bullets really can kill people, and swords really can cut people!

I’m not sure what they expected to find, but apparently some sharp Israeli scientists have discovered that cannonballs really could sink ships!

By firing cannons at replica wooden ships, these intrepid scientists discovered that, indeed, cannonballs really do puncture hulls and can cause ships to sink!

I’m sure there was a good reason to carry out this research, and I’m not generally one to rag on scientists for doing “dumb” research, but this really does strike me as something that ought to be self-evident from the historical record.  It reminds me of all the people who like to claim that mail armor was “useless”.  Well, no, it wasn’t.  It was the dominant form of armor for something like a thousand years, and people would not have worn it if it didn’t offer some benefit!

Similarly, nobody would stock their warships with cannons if they were ineffective at sinking other ships!  Did you think they just repeatedly fired these things at the side of enemy warships, watched them bounce off, and then shouted “SHIT!  That one bounced off too!  What are the odds of that??”

I’d be willing to bet that the actual research was done to determine how effective cannons were at sinking ships, not whether they did anything at all–but it makes for a much better headline to shout “OMG CANNONS REALLY COULD SINK SHIPS!!!”

Posted in Miscellaneous.